
Welcome to a brand of Mathematical Services.

This page is a blog channel of Mathematical Services.
This page is a blog page commenting on various themes, and in turn inviting comments.
It must be emphasied that the contributions and comments are inevitably of a looser (less black and white) nature than the other more business oriented aspects of the website. This is the nature of  more social orientated endeavours. Some old posts cannot be commented on, due to the nature of ongoing developments at their time of creation. 
Also the owner can not be held responsible for the removal or alteration of third part websites or links even though they invite comments from third parties themselves.
A new post will be created (in the format similar to those here) by using the button below. You must provide a name, your password, a title (no spaces and letters or numbers only) a summary of the post and the post's content. If you have not created a post before an account with the password supplied will be created.
Each account holder must create posts having a title unique to the account holder.

If you want help remembering your password you must create an account using the form below.
If you forget your password you need to send an email (with the email you used to create an account) to '' and ask for your password to be returned.

By using the lower form you can also request the comments of any named user to be listed and displayed.

A handy manual describing use of this blog and the messaging app can be seen by clicking here: Manual

Click the button to open the messenger window.



1.Prostitutes in Los Angeles
A post exploring the differences between British and American culture on soliciting for sexual intimacies.
This post can be seen here: BlogLosAngeles

2.Katy Perry song
A post commenting on the contradictory values in America culture as perceived by the British.
This post can be seen here: BlogKissedAGirl

3.Young homeless girl - Adina
A post concerning a homeless America young lady.
This post can be seen here: Blog3

4.West Bromwich Manor, with commentary
A very complex post with a British comedian overlaid with views of West Bromwich Manor.
This post can be seen here: BlogWolverhamptonManor

5.Hot N Cold
More comment on American attitudes.
This post can be seen here: BlogHotAndCold

6. BlogBroadFord
A comment on the route into Bradford, UK and its industry.
This post can be seen here: BlogBroadFord

7.Out of the goitre.
Another bus ride on a main artery out of Bradford, UK.
This post can be seen here: BlogOutOfTheGoitre

10.Ava Max song
A new American singer.
This post can be seen here: BlogAvaMax

11.Whitehall Road high rise
A post commenting on the differing fortunes of Leeds and Bradford, UK.
This post can be seen here: Blog11

12.Moving up? Moving out.
A post on the squalid living conditions in 19th century Bradford, UK, religeous denominations and the Chartist rebellion.
This post can be seen here: BlogMovingUp

13.Doing Ok?
Another post on the Chartist revolution in Bradford.
This post can be seen here: BlogDoingOk

14.Du und die dass geht nie?
A post on leisure for the working man in 19th century West Yorkshire.
This post can be seen here: BlogDuUndDie

15.A new kind of tension.
A post on the 1891 strike at Manningham Mills, Bradford, UK.
This post can be seen here: BlogANewKindOfTension

16.Comment on roles.
A postt on roles and job specifications.
This post can be seen here: BlogCommentOnRoles

17.Ja de Je.
A postt on languages and its role.
This post can be seen here: BlogJaDeJe

18.Wie ein Mann - so ungef hr?
A post comparing and contrasting Adrican cultures, with ancient peoples in West Yorkshire, UK.
This post can be seen here: BlogWieEinMann

19.Going back further
A post exploring the reasons for the industrial revolution, for the demise of the Manorial system, the Factory system etc.
This post can be seen here: BlogGoingBackFurther

20.I saw a sad land weak with sweats of dearth
A post exploring womens equality issues and their link with family issues.
This post can be seen here: BlogSweatsOfDearth

21.Be good (budi dobar)
A post concerning more of my family history for those that are at all interested.
This post can be seen here: BlogBeGood

22. Eye Contact
A post concerning a somewaht purient interest in my(?) eye contact.
This post can be seen here: BlogEyeContact

23.All Related
A post sparked by my new interest in and learning about genetics in its relation to family history..
This post can be seen here: BlogAllRelated

A post concerning my most recent findings into my origins having recently received an analysis of my DNA.
This post can be seen here: BlogOrigins

A further post concerning my most recent findings into my origins having hopefully interesting an educational comment as well.
This post can be seen here: BlogOrigins

26.Do it now
A further post concerning observations made whilst undertaking a research into the origin of the place name Elsecar.
This post can be seen here: WhereYouAre

27.Where the Iron Crosses Grow
A post concerning observations made whilst undertaking a research into the origin of the place name Leeds.
This post can be seen here: CrossOfIron

2025-01-19 06:10:23 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on education.

This post can be seen here: Education

2024-12-25 04:01:59 - Paul D. Foy -

A post exploring my drift into artistry.

This post can be seen here: AnArtist

2024-12-14 11:19:42 - Paul D. Foy -

This is a post ruminating on hydrogen cars.

This post can be seen here: HydrogenCars

2024-09-09 14:59:32 - Paul D. Foy -

Comment on trading strategies.

This post can be seen here: Trading

2024-09-08 13:42:13 - Paul D. Foy -

A post on the latest league table of UK University mathematics departments.

This post can be seen here: AMathematician

2024-09-02 09:22:20 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on being a food preparer.

This post can be seen here: BeingAFoodPreparer

2024-08-31 07:22:23 - Paul D. Foy -

A post describing my discovery of the She Codes Foundation.

This post can be seen here: SheCodes

2024-08-18 10:19:26 - Paul D. Foy -

A post on languages, their facilitation and accessibility.

This post can be seen here: Languages

2024-08-09 06:39:31 - Paul D. Foy -

A post on the bizarre properties of Facebook

This post can be seen here: Facebook

2024-08-05 15:40:41 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on completion of the basic blog software.

This post can be seen here: AThinkingMansBlog

2024-08-04 09:33:06 - Paul D. Foy -

A post on rubbish collection

This post can be seen here: Rubbish

2024-08-03 02:51:44 - Paul D. Foy -

A post on British values.

This post can be seen here: BritishValues

2024-07-27 12:24:44 - Paul D. Foy -

A post on the aftermath of the Leeds riots.

This post can be seen here: Scum

2024-07-19 06:27:52 - Paul D. Foy -

Post on the role of social services.

This post can be seen here: SocialServices

2024-07-12 19:41:59 - Paul D. Foy -
Nefarious activity

A post commenting upon a recent event.

This post can be seen here: Nefarious activity

2024-06-15 06:47:47 - Paul D. Foy -
Guttering issues

A post about guttering issues.

This post can be seen here: Guttering issues

2024-05-23 07:18:46 - Paul D. Foy -

A post discussing allotment issues.

This post can be seen here: AllotmentIssues2

2024-05-23 07:07:18 - Paul D. Foy -

A post discussing allotment issues.

This post can be seen here: AllotmentIssues

2024-05-13 11:58:47 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on the Sexual Agenda.

This post can be seen here: TheSexualAgenda

2024-05-05 14:48:11 - Paul D. Foy -

Post to announce the completion of uploading an image.

This post can be seen here: CompletionOfUploadingImage

2024-05-02 10:12:45 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on Anglo Saxon dictionaries.

This post can be seen here: AngloSaxonDictionary

2024-05-02 09:02:07 - Paul D. Foy -

This is a post announcing the removal of the irritating spaces.

This post can be seen here: RemovalOfIrritatingSpacesFixed

2024-04-30 13:00:49 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on the functionality to list a users comments.

This post can be seen here: CommentsOnCompletionOfStage4

2024-04-27 15:16:59 - Paul D. Foy -

A post on the difference between a mathematician and a historian.

This post can be seen here: DifferenceBetweenMathematicianAndHistorian

2024-04-27 06:52:27 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on the completion of phase 3.

This post can be seen here: CompletionOfPhase3

2024-04-21 12:02:19 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on completion of phase 2 of the blog.

This post can be seen here: CompletionOfPhase2

2024-04-19 12:16:58 - Paul D. Foy -

Comments on completion of phase 1 of the blog.

This post can be seen here: CompletionOfPhase1

2024-04-14 06:51:35 - Paul Foy -

Altering the status Quo

This post can be seen here: TheStatusQuo

2024-04-13 13:43:42 - Paul D. Foy -

This is a post concerning the use of NAMEs on Facebook.

This post can be seen here: PostOnNames

Mathematical Services