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I comment on how such a gentle and articulate young lady could be in such a situation of mis-fortune. Is she one of the good guys that have been washed away in the sidewalk? I don't understand drug addiction. Some would say I am addicted to porn - but its not true. I have no need to be otherwise.
I've got a confession to make Adina. I've kept this to myself for a long time, but I'm coming out now. I'm addicted to buying books. I look at a book and I think 'that looks interesting' so then I have to buy it. And then I read a bit of it and one of the references catches my eye, and I have to get that ... I just have to get it. I'm tripping up over books, in my bookcases, my wardrobes. I can't stop. I need help.
 I bought another book today, on a train. It was only a little one, more like a pamphlet. Not realy a book. It's interesting - information on the Settle-Carlisle (UK) railway line. (recommended).
16-10-2023. I bought another book today. It was a big one, but only thin. The History or Carlise, pub 1991 (all I could get), didn't cost much, honest - Phillimore series.
2024-01-06 08:53:21 - Paul D. Foy -

Paul D. Foy:
Final comment

\r\n 2024-01-06 08:31:20 - Paul D. Foy -

2024-01-06 08:12:26 - Paul D. Foy -
Yet another test comment.

2024-01-05 21:50:06 - Paul D. Foy -
Another test comment.

2023-11-25 15:11:13 - Paul D. Foy -
Test comment.

Paul D. Foy:
I borrowed a book from the library the other day - A History of Batley - Malcolm H. Haigh

Paul D Foy:
Try it Adina.

Paul D Foy:
23-11-2023 - 23:07. Anyone can leave a rough comment here. Try it.

Paul D Foy:
''' and another one. PHP Programming - O'Reilly Series

Paul D Foy:
\r\nI bought another book the other day. The History of Hull. Phillimore series.

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