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On noticing that in 1840 a man could be gainfully employed simply as anorange seller, I comment on the nature of working practices today and the effect of the renumeration. Perhaps, then, importing oranges was a more specialist undertaking, but simply passing on oranges today would not lead anybody to earn enough to compete with others employing many more derived means of living. Thus it is not that a role has become less specilaised it is the fact that a role leverages a whole chain of specilaisations, each of which as had quite a bit of effort into it's development. A role, a specilisation has become the tip of the iceberg of many specialisations. And contrary one's role may even involve many specilisations made possible via these faciltation effects of the specialisations - thus less specialised. Thus a vendor of refreshments on the train is also a book dealer, and a tourist information officer and a remover of refuse. These may well have been encouraged by the greater valueing of (all) labour these days, again making the specialisation of the orange seller unviable. However if the trend is to make the role unduly stressful or that of the customer or his/her convenience worse it is not a positive trend.

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