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The current problems in this world, the most enduring ones are not new. They're not a very pleasant state of affairs (certainly for the men) and the challenge is to find ways around them. What are the ways to avoid vicious, debilitating incursion by what you don't want. What do you do if the battle against the incursion is harder than enduring the incursion. How do you react to something you don't want. The question extends from the individual to the group to the society. What happens when in Africa the leaving of the disliked colonial powers leaves a return to the tribalism and warring that it bridged? Do you insists on speaking the same language or make it so that speaking different langugaes is not an issue because it is easily overcome? Is there a point in leaving for elsewhere to proffer you culture elsewhere? Do you adapt your culture to strengthen its preservation (because it is a good one) and be content with that culture of preservation? Build your interest into the interest of the preservation. Not easy.
There were great battles in my region (West Yorkshire, UK) 2000 years ago between Roman armies and the tribes of the Land. They fought the Coritani, the Iceni, the Trinobantes and the Parisi to arrive here. The most sternest opposition was by the Brigantes. Great defensive earthworks were built around the bounding rivers of their region (ghostly monuments today).

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