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I comment on a video of a bus ride out from the centre of Bradford,
UKalong Thornton Road. These areas and the side streets would have been
among the worst for the
primitive living conditions in the early 18th century.
I have often wondered why the exploitation and arduous living
of the so called working classes in Britain
did not lead to the same outrage and violent revolution as in many
other areas of the world
particulalry Europe. Why the lid was kept on in Britain. It's probably
very complex again.
Most socieites started of as agrarian, but it was explotation of
agrarian societes, by the wealthy,
that caused outrage in Europe (Russian, French, Nazi's). There was no
catalyst to the explotation
other than the explotation. Around Bradford, the lot of the woolomber
may not have been too bad - living by a mixture of farming, scrathing
for coal, weaving. A content, self made man with some automy.
Perhaps there was a remote Lord of the Manor - but what's a dozen ducks
eggs at Christmas as a tax. Why did he become a wool stapler and go
around asking other people to do lots of bits of work for him.
I think that is an unanswered question? But he did, perhaps because he
was a clever chap or wanted
an adventure. Anyway he got fiddled by other weavers, woolcombers,
merchants and he didn't like this.
So, the screw was turned, machines did away with the fiddlers and got
them under control.
The so called working class were hung by their own petard. So how can
they complaint in Britain.
They'd been caught out. Perhaps class in Britain is actually less class
than anywhere else, more a class
of common sense or of the fiddlers.
On the adventures of the woolcoomber perhaps it was issus like a simple
interest in developing something that had caught his eye. I bet lack of
space could have been one of the real drivers (often the case in the
UK) -
he hadn't
the good fortunate of enough space to do all the activities necessary
himself - so he sought
to get other people to do things and found he just became the
organiser, other
people finding they had similar issues and only wanted to work part
time at
something themselves. Perhaps relations with his partner were
particulalry close and he had a lot of children
and he needed more land (space again) for food - so he got on a ship
and tried to get some from America - a better life.
Perhaps his interests of developing something meant he had/wanted to
spend more time on it, so he wanted part
time on most other things. The isssues are of intimately related to why
a man does something, does anything - and strangely (this IS the
inequality) these do not seem to be the same for a woman.
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