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2024-12-25 04:01:59 - Paul D. Foy -

It is now early Christmas Day morning 2024 and I find that I am motivated to sit at my computer pondering developments to perform what are (at least at the moment) primarily artistic developments. And once again the mathematician in me is involved as well as the software engineer. Is there no discipline in which mathematics can make make a contribution?!That is I am thinking about making attractive scenes from contour maps of the colours on photographs (using the tools in the 'Matrix. dll' available from 'www. mathematicalservices. co. uk'. Could these endeavours have sealed corporation between Apple and Microsoft (who seemed to be partnered initially), instead of turning into bitter rivals. But perhaps everybody is better for the choice (a choice amongst American Companies at least). Mathematical Services adds its offering :).

2025-01-20 16:20:13 - Paul D. Foy -
I don't really believe in charity. It's a function of things having gone wrong, or the allocation of need meeting not being practiced correctly. Have you ever though about meeting your needs to do programmatical things with meeting the needs for a small income of people in developing economies that are creating useful images. Perhaps these people don't even have a camera, or just a cheap smart phone these days. But they do something, so the exchange is one of equals. They don't seem to be these people in the UK - perhaps they are too rich or knowledgeable to bother.

2025-01-20 11:38:19 - Paul D. Foy -
One wonders what is taught in Art Schools or art University courses these days. Is one taught how to program, how to manipulate and create images digitally, about the standards behind the specifications? Can an artist, as a programmer have an input into these developing standards. Will two types of artist emerge like we seems to have two types of engineer - one a practitioner, a doer of physical paintings and art the user even of applications, a more aesthetically inspired person. And another a creator of the creators of art, a more technical artist.

2025-01-16 06:31:21 - Paul D. Foy -
I don't think the role of a software engineer is redundant yet. The code provided is not perfect (for example passing large structures by value instead of reference), and it doesn't work out of the box. So there is considerable time spent debugging it.

2025-01-15 14:44:30 - Paul D. Foy -
The work of a software engineer. The process if you are doing an operation or part of an operation which has been done before (this only does not apply if the operation or part of the operation has NEVER been done before (The Formation Generated By A Finite Group, Renishaw 5 axis scan) :)): Have a stab at it yourself, Google a few Microsoft things, get a feel for it. Then - give up. Then Ask chatGPT how to do it (be polite of course), with some coding examples please. It will give you the answer!!!.

2025-01-10 16:22:27 - Paul D. Foy -
The good quality University education can be seen in many lights. Exposing you to the difficult things that enable you to be a disruptor, to do new innovative things for the good. To understand the fundamental standards behind the . mpeg specification so you can usurp what is being jealously guarded with paywall, license conditions, weasel words etc. But it's not easy for the poor student either: he's got to pass exams, and he may not have much money to do risky things. Cars, jobs and houses may be more important than founding a new venture. He may find himself with others tapping his skills and expertise. Can a course teach the hard things and not leave him floundering - he hasn't much time, debts to pay, relationships (love life) to build. Not easy ruffling feathers.

2025-01-08 15:09:49 - Paul D. Foy -
I am now an AI software engineer in that I work in collaboration with chatGPT to get robust code in place. We can dispense the the code reviews and the lauding - just use AI. So AI has caught up with the software engineer. It has still not caught up with the mathematician - I can hold my head up that I can out perform it here and do original work that it can't do (it can't write proofs). I am now on the same level as those collecting the bins and putting them onto the lorry's mechanism - unless they can do the proofs - ah ah.

2024-12-27 17:43:24 - Paul D. Foy -
In pursuing my various lone furrows I find I am keeping a small but respectful contribution from my elders. Thus I have proved a corollary of the Bryant-Harschneck Theorem (F(G) belongs in Form(G)) but not the full theorem. I actually suspect this would be an exercise now. And whilst acknowledging that a switch to the History of Art Tripos was probably not the most useful course of action, I will now, were time and practicalities permit devote myself to a small contribution (hopefully) in this area. Yet in producing something for the artist I am thinking who is the artist? - the software engineer/mathematician or the using artist? I would respectfully urge young people to do what you feel is right and not be a sheep in the crowd, without being a bull in the China shop if possible. Ultimately we can only be defined by own own actions so try to make them good ones.

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