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2024-09-02 09:22:20 - Paul D. Foy -

On observing the number of restaurants and food offering outlets in Bradford: There's nothing wrong with celebrating food and offering food to eat. A perfectly harmonious and peaceful undertaking food, which can bind people together. But not everybody can do this. There have got to be some people that are growing the food, making the machinery and equipment to grow and rear the food and the food preparation and servicing the buildings in which you live and prepare the food. It also is a derived lifestyle in that it is relatively easy to prepare food, yourself from the raw ingredients. So the preparer is taking a cut from other people's efforts to do this for them. That is like anything in life, and there are many derived lifestyles, but when the derived is easier it is more derived if you like. I only respectfully point out these things.

2024-09-16 15:16:29 - Paul D. Foy -
The picture shows part of a large collection of food books and small magazines that have accumulated at my mother's during the years which she is offering me to house in my wardrobes. Why do I make this comment? Just by a feeling. It is perfectly nice and harmonious to make somebody a meal, and to write about it, and to be creative and different in what you do on that front. To let them enjoy a meal (hoping they don't get fat and have health problems!). But (and the large number of books is the evidence) it is not very difficult to do, it is the new manual labour. There are many more books than on finite group theory I remark. But it is more appreciated than finite group theory. Perhaps I should say if you are getting by by offering your labour for easy things make sure it's healthy and a lasting and an enduring experience for your punters.

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