2024-08-14 14:38:49 -
Paul D. Foy -
There is no such thing as mental illness as a reason for people committing heinous acts of violence in the UK.
These individuals are often being goaded and baited by the community and in their workplaces - a common reason for this often revolves around sexual proclivities, frustrations or preferences.
Sometimes this goading (which are very real actions) becomes too much for the individual to bear and his/her heinous acts are the consequences.
The community is responsible.
I've mentioned this viewpoint to the police and my MP many times but I get no response.
I think they should do things differently, but they are restrained because the only unlawful act is the heinous act and not the baiting.
So they end up picking the dead bodies off the ground (and suffering the violence themselves sometimes).
This is the UK.
2024-08-10 16:29:28 -
Paul D. Foy -
Instead of getting involved in all sorts of trouble and violence which does nobody any good why not express your viewpoint and British values from the comfort of your chair at your computer.
Suggest the places are made a feast for the eye by clearing up all the litter so that we have those green areas that Britain is noted for with birds about.
Write to your MP (if you can't read or write you have a project and you're relying on what people say to you so rely on this).
Get involved in making good food available or some kind of entertainment endeavour at a cost others can afford.
Take pride in your work, at creating an attractive environment.
2024-08-08 07:21:12 -
Paul D. Foy -
Total respect for Matthew Hudson-Smith - 400m.
It was a courageous run, a run from the front, 5th fastest time ever (43.
44), a British and European record.
Had the run been 396m we would have been in first place.
We settle for silver.
2024-08-06 11:32:43 -
Paul D. Foy -
I was interested in observing that the standard payment for Universal credit is now �311 (~�2000) a year.
And on going through the calculator it appears this is dependant not on whether you are looking for work but on whether you have savings and any living expenses outside of food provision.
So this is near citizen's wage and I would support this.
The question is what are the level of savings.
If they are �40000 you can just about meet this provision yourself (5% return) - so I would say that is the right level.
Life is now about securing other basics such as shelter and food (it's not easy getting shelter at this level) and getting up to this level of savings provision so you can live off other more motivated individuals if you yourself are a bit short on drive.
So there is still plenty of motivation to get off your backside and do something other than riot.
You'll be helped by sympathetic individuals not coercing you on the housing front (and they don't seem to be many about), or lots of people seeking out very derived livings (which tends to put up costs due to the cut taking).
2024-08-06 08:42:23 -
Paul D. Foy -
I'm told that saying high allotment rents subsidisers those that don't grow their own food is a jaundiced viewport.
But aren't allotments a bit of a British thing (even invention).
Is this another value which is now no longer affordable? We prefer high values, which pushes up the prices of things (like houses with well manicured lawns) which puts people under a coercion in another way.
Just directing ones labour to meet basic needs in other ways.
We don't help with your food basic needs (apart from taking from those that grow their own) or help to put a roof over your head.
Yes I must be a bit jaundiced, just trying to think these things through :).
2024-08-03 04:55:02 -
Paul D. Foy -
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This prevents nefarious people with alternative viewpoints from deleting somebody else's comment.
That would be naughty.
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