Welcome to a brand of
2024-04-27 06:52:27 - Paul D. Foy -
I have now completed phase 3.
It is now possible to create an account by supplying your email address.
This has to be used in the eventuality that you forget your password and have to apply to Mathematical Services Limited to have it returned.
We have a text based system similar to X/Twitter at its inception.
It is possible to supply a link but you need to know the html commands to do this.
It is not currently possible to supply an image as that involves having to upload an image file in addition.
Had I got hundreds, thousands or even millions of contributors I would rapidly run into problems and there would have to be a re-design.
So I sympathise with Facebook if their initial design provoked this response creating problems of scale right from the start.
Perhaps the blog can be thought of as proof of concept.
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