
Welcome to a brand of Mathematical Services.

2024-04-27 15:16:59 - Paul D. Foy -

What is the difference between a mathematician and a historian? A mathematician makes deduction governed by a set of rules from starting axioms or hypotheses. These can become quite involved. The depth of the deductions, their originality and their truth is a measure of the quality of the mathematicians. However they can often only be verified by other (often other mathematicians unfortunately). But also by observing physical consequences (using other laws of nature) to verify the mathematical correctness. An historian makes deductions from observable properties of the world and society (the lay of the land, documents, what people say etc. ) and try to infer a deeper meaning or garner a greater understanding to what hasn't been said or written. If a mathematician is doing an 'exercise', like the training of an athlete he is solving a problem the answer of which is well known and by general agreement has been done before. An historian's exercises are rooting out the cartulary or the newspaper cuttings which substantiate a statement. That is like a correct proof.

2024-05-26 07:36:39 - Paul D. Foy -
The direction of the Company other than its social media activities is now to develop an expand the 'Origin of . ' series and to develop a software mapping and documentation service for historians, onomasticons and geographers.

2024-04-29 05:07:07 - Paul D. Foy -
Of course midway between a mathematician and a historian comes a software engineer. Here the axioms and the founding principals are the words of the programming language and their manipulation into software programs. Again the rectitude of this can be tested in various ways: does it compile? does it provide verifiable output on a computer screen, does it control machinery correctly. At some levels it can be done correctly, but fails at other levels. That is, there is some flexibility in its correctness so is not as rigorous as that of a mathematician, but unlike an historian the results are not just one of pastoral use or to furhter a greater understanding.

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Mathematical Services