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2025-01-19 06:10:23 - Paul D. Foy -
I find I am urged to make further comments on education because what I keep engaging myself in seems to be a continual process of learning, of learning existing things, of things that are well known and occasionally of things that are not well known or haven't been done before.
It seems to me that the formal period of education (generally undertaken when you are younger) is little different, the motivations and the excitements little different to what I experience and feel now.
And there are many things to think about .
In an age where you can simply ask chatGPT (is this AI?) a question and it will give you a full and detailed answer the points of which you can explore to your hearts content - what now is the relevance of an 'examination'.
Does it test the mug (providing a personal challenge) who doesn't use chatGPT or Wikipedia the more thinking individual using these tools! I suggest software (nearly a mathematician) provides a clue.
For the first thing you do in Visual Studio when embarking on new work is open a PROJECT.
Perhaps that is the new unit of education - the project.
So people learn by performing, which is supported by classes and lectures, their projects.
And these don't have to be original in some sense.
We have all done mundane things for a time before they develop into more advanced things.
The University project could provide the stepping stone to starting your own business, of slotting into a software team somewhere that is working on things related to one of your projects, or of continuing in the education/research field.
The needs of the individual and the wider community are in harmony through the body of knowledge, the 'project'.
2025-02-09 15:23:26 - Paul D. Foy -
In the age of chatGPT I am minded to think of my early experiences at work (paid employment) where I didn't have chatGPT but I did have other knowledgeable colleagues and co-workers.
There was a lot to get to grips with, a lot of things to learn many of which I hadn't been exposed to at University.
Yet one of my frustrations was the intransigence of colleagues to help who (some of them) would bend over backwards not to help, to feign being too busy, or not knowing or occasionally giving me the wrong advice entirely.
I thought to myself what is this organisation? Does it want its employees to contribute as quickly as possible? Do the managers and executives want results with minimal cost to shareholders (the owners).
Do they want to offer something better than other organisations? Or what do we have here some kind of silly test? Am I going to be marked on what I do and given a badge of performance or sit an examination by my colleagues.
So being a little young I got irritated by this and thought - I'll play their game (its a test all this), I won't ask for help, but if its a competition I'll demand a bigger pay a bigger reward.
I'll play them at their game - because that's what this Company thinks it is - just a game.
But this made me unpopular still and so the vicious circle set in.
And what do I do with chatGPT or Wikipedia now - do I ignore the help, Sort of put on a hair suit of only doing what I can do un-aided.
Is the game with Mr Altman now? - does he deserve a bigger salary than me because I'm using his work!? I don't get the impression he's like that BY WHAT IV'E HEARD HIM SAY.
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