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2024-08-09 06:39:31 - Paul D. Foy -
With Facebook it is possible:
(i) Have two accounts which have the same name and are otherwise indistinguishable
(ii)Change the name of the account and any properties of the account without restriction.
(iii) Continue an interaction with any other account (e.
via Messenger) after changing the properties of the account, so that the interaction is completely out of context or appears fake or misleading.
(iv)Delete or change posts made by an account holder (other than by the account holder).
(v) Insert texts, comments or messages made by an account holder via interaction (private interaction!) into text, comments or messages of any other account - so that they are wrong or completely out of context or indeed breach common decency laws.
But so that they appear to have been made by the targeted account holder.
And there is no help, redress or control of this.
I just don't understand why there is a continual plea from the authorities to 'crack down'.
It's so easy to do otherwise - this blog is one such tighter setup.
But clearly that is not the point of social media - its precisely that to lark about with, to flirt, to have fun.
But then if its being used to stir up violence and trouble and there is no trace or no way of interacting with the perpetrators that is very poor (2nd in severity to those actually doing the violence and aggression).
2024-08-29 09:02:08 - Paul D. Foy -
When I get an invite from a person who describes himself as Elon Musk CEO Tesla on Facebook is that actually Elon Musk wealthy entrepreneur leader of various innovative Companies, electric car maker (including CEO), and vocal commentator or has Facebook failed to carry out due diligence on this person - what a job, ringing up the heads of Companies to see if they've posted on the site - :):).
And has it also been Beatrice Egli, famous German pop star or Gisele Buendchen famous supermodel! If only it were true.
2024-08-28 18:31:17 - Paul D. Foy -
With a basic yet simple blog and ('instant') messaging system now in place the focus moves to testing and protection from non-good actors at play.
This includes those that can't read a manual and follow simple instructions (!) to those (and unfortunately they don't seem that uncommon in my country) who want to make your life awkward (for a whole host of reasons, from being a commercial competitor to not liking your attitude to pornography or your affairs with ladies), or extract money from you without any contribution, or some other aversion to the cut of you jib.
Then there are the people who use your offering to get at other people, or stir them up.
I'm not sure how I can be responsible for bad eggs in all eventualities, but that seems to be the lot of 'social media' companies.
2024-08-28 14:31:33 - Paul D. Foy -
All this talk about the evils of social media.
The main culprits are the people using it.
It�s clear Facebook has bent over backwards to tighten things up - it might have made it worse.
You want a simple system and people beholden to what they DO and say - simple as that.
How can you have people sitting about checking whether someone who describes himself as male is looking too much like a provocative female.
Seems an absurd as - the propensity to get it wrong for innocent reasons also exists!.
2024-08-28 12:26:20 - Paul D. Foy -
I mean your profile pictures are provocative female but the profile text describing who you are ascribing a male.
2024-08-28 12:16:37 - Paul D. Foy -
And what about this one - as a female post pictures (provocative) ones of a female and label your personal profile as being a male.
I suppose this would be difficult to stop but it's odd.
2024-08-26 10:06:44 - Paul D. Foy -
I wasn't around at the initiation of Facebook.
That is as something that had aroused my curiosity or held any interest to me - I was preoccupied with other things (some might say more weighty things, but that is now debatable).
I'd just heard about it from colleagues at work, particularly with reference the provocative pictures their daughter portrayed on it!.
There's been much criticism of Facebook for sloppy practices etc.
Today it would probably take a few months to get a rudimentary version of Facebook together (with the messaging), even to make it fairly robust.
For me that is actually learning several languages at the same time - so I will be a bit scrappy as well.
I think it must have been overtaken by its success, problems from the start with scale, the clammer of customers.
Why is this? Because people like taking about sexual things, about portraying themselves invitingly, flirting for an encounter or relationship or sexual adventure.
That is life, the human condition, and it is natural and its not going to go away.
I agree with those that others (the state as well) should not interfere in people's 'bedrooms'.
Very bad form.
2024-08-21 19:03:00 - Paul D. Foy -
Previous comment - unless you're speaking to a French man or woman that is ;).
2024-08-21 19:01:10 - Paul D. Foy -
This programming is also not that easy.
With a foreign languages you can just blurt out a word or put a rough phrase together and someone might be able to understand you.
You can get the spelling wrong no problem.
With a human programming languages, particularly the less mature ones that haven't the boiler plate of the implementation and error catching behind them (the majority of the newer Web languages) you can't make a mistake, a syntax error a space where its not allowed.
All hell will break out and half the time (with the less mature or poorly implemented ones) you don't know what's gone wrong.
Hard work.
2024-08-21 18:24:15 - Paul D. Foy -
You would be surprised how much things are in the hands of the programmer.
So when Twitter constrained the commentor to just a brief tweet you could might think that this was because it was some kind of marketing ploy, a feature of the site, hence the name.
The REAL reasons may be because there was not sufficient programming techniques available to make a more complicated interface or that it was difficult to do.
It may just have been a simple as the fact that only one line comment boxes were available.
Obviously the person that has worked very hard or had the idea that was implemented (the Mark Zuckerberg's) have done things early and benefited from an early effort in the scheme of things.
The programming landscape in these arenas develops at a pace.
New 'languages' develop which are constructs of a more fundamental language, but which are very powerful.
They accelerate features and functionality.
There seems plenty to do (for women as well!).
2024-08-15 11:35:17 - Paul D. Foy -
How about this one: (vi) create identical posts, which are indistinguishable until somebody comments on one or other post.
Of course removing the comment would render the posts indistinguishable again.
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