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2024-08-04 09:33:06 - Paul D. Foy -

On the practice of Bradford Council having a practice of a self funding and sustaining unwanted items collection service I don't particularly see this as a negative development. When there is a phenomenon which is causing problems or getting out of control or you don't know how to get a handle on a problem, sometimes one way of coping with it, of estimating the scale of it or of addressing aspects of it is to quantify it. Accounting for the service (that is how much it is costing and how much revenue it is accruing), which is basically measuring the labour involved, is one way of doing this. This is not necessarily the same as ensuring it is viable but more one of ACCOUNTANCY. It may be that a service is subsidised by others (for a time). If it is a need that has got to be met then that is difficult but it does not abrogate the need for some accountancy to get a grip on the need. The Victorians were keen to quantify and monetize almost anything and their legacy (certainly in Bradford) is one of magnificent structures, buildings and endeavours - as well as many less salubrious aspects. Present day monetisation shows if nothing else that it is very expensive to do the same things - we should think about that. Have we priced ourselves out of living reasonably!? I can think of other areas were a quantization (with the aim of a self-funded service) may help - certainly with urban high density living say in flats - a kitchen waste for composting service. So now we have lost the outside latrines which a man is paid to dig out and empty periodically (can a man or a woman for that matter be got to do this any longer?) but instead we have repositories for kitchen waste for pigs and fertiliser say. I remember slops for the pigs from my boyhood!.

2025-01-05 18:20:51 - Paul D. Foy -
I comment that I have had to remove from availability my application for creating high quality contour plots. This is because the provider of the Open Elevation API which I was using to get the elevation data for anywhere in the world has made his offering a paid for subscription model. I do not disagree with this as he presumably has himself costs to endure to provide the service (and the subscription costs were reasonable). Yet I can not go along with it because I have no revenue to offset against this cost myself. If I were to go along with it for all my interests(and they are many) I would be paying a considerable amount each month in subscriptions. As I have no business (it wasn't successful) I can not do this. So I wish him well but I can not see the way to be a part of his endeavour or to help him offer it to others, via my product.

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