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It would appear that your NAME on Facebook as an identifying feature of an account holder is not unique.
It seems that one contributor is differentiated (if at all) not by name but by attributes of the name (such as membership of a group, time of account creation etc).
I make the following remarks on this: (i) It may be that Facebook has not got around to doing this believing it is not that important; but I myself may have been scammed with respect to this property, so even as an experienced Software Engineer this was not expected.
(ii) I admit that this feature is actually a property of my social media site, but this is mainly due to interest and resources - but I could guarantee if I had all the billions coming my way as Mark Zuckerberg has I would find the motivation to change this feature - I would even pay somebody to do it (mate).
(iii) it may be that primitive man was not too concerned with names using attributes of the land like trees to name people, but surely we have moved on - or are the bedrooms of American Universities very much a primeval environment with dollars in their eyes (iv) I find it strange at all the times the tech entrepreneurs are hauled up in front of American inquisitions complaining about abuse and lack of security when 5 minutes on their sites yields such glaring phenomenae! .
2024-04-15 10:07:29 - Paul D. Foy -
For certainty on this the official forum of my loose opinions I will state for certainty that the name Paul D.
Foy and Paul Foy currently refers to me, Paul living at the Hawthornes in Birkenshaw, West Yorkshire, UK.
Currently you could create a post with those names so I respectfully ask you not to until I have sorted out a greater robustness to the blog.
But I do invite you to create any other valid post because it will give me real insight into how to handle live updates to my blog such as say how Facebook must have experienced.
2024-04-15 08:56:53 - Paul D. Foy -
The main thing stopping me working at the moment (apart from all my girlfriends) is the barrage of thoughts that come to mind.
I'm not viewing the operations that need to be done (at least for my blog) as all that difficult - certainly with the scope of an experienced software engineer (even a retired one), so what happens in American University bedrooms.
Are the students, learning the things, the new things more experienced than the educators who can't do what they can do? Or they haven't the inclination - to do interesting things, let alone remunerative ones? I was very respectful to (most) of my educators and didn't think I could compete with them on their discipline particularly (let alone some of my peer students).
I certainly got the impression that someone like Profs Conway or J G Thompson were out of my league at the time.
Is it that engineers are a bit grubby after all?.
2024-04-15 07:59:21 - Paul D. Foy -
I have found an acceptable way of carrying out these necessary operations, by creating a staging environment within my existing website.
So if I divulged how to access it it would be live and begs an interesting question - that is is anything on the web actually sacrosanct and not live and you are not beholden to it like on the TV or the radio.
Well yes but not if you say it isn't and go out of your way to say it isn't (like in life).
So here I go out of my way that if you come across my staging environment (and it will be obvious) then it is not what I think of my website proper - the latter is what is down the list of links on the left hand side and where they lead.
But what if someone seeks to deliberately mislead you with respect to someone else (even unknown to them) - well all you can do is deny any false accusations in a media which you can access or manage (depending upon your resources) - like in life again.
I remain optimistic that most people are good and well meaning, there are a few misguided ones - but I don't think the bad people are as common as one thinks.
The really bad things in life are pretty obvious (state aggression recently come to mind - led by some individuals), and are generally physical.
But mental is important and has to be dealt with intelligently think of all the recent horrible murders - the perpetrators are clearly not 'normal'.
2024-04-14 05:08:18 - Paul D. Foy -
I shall attempt to implement a scheme on my blog which permits (with controls) a scheme of unique names among the contributors.
I shall do this as much as possible whilst the blog is live and running - that is working with existing contributors.
I'm sure there are now staging environments that would permit me to do this in an easier way yet I do not know of a cost effective one.
Perhaps this was the problem faced by Facebook! or perhaps it was the sheer scale of the existing use that was Facebook's problem having started in a similar way to me.
2024-04-13 18:48:20 - Paul D. Foy -
As an experienced software engineer it would appear that I
may have fallen for a scam predominantly caused by the
amateurish software practices of Facebook.
I have signed into not a drug rehabilitation class but a
class in detecting scams online.
I wonder if the class is
so sores by the Police or Facebook?.
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